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Inside my computer

Read: 25622 Comments: 9 Rating: 14

Monday, May 27, 2019

The average user still regards their computer as a black box with mysterious contents. However, when dealing with technical support services, people often have to provide technical information about their PC or other device. Of course, there exists a large variety of utilities from many developers to help you accomplish this task. They gather all sorts of information, but before they can do their job, they have to be downloaded and installed. And that means the risk always exists that something malicious can sneak into the system. To help you avoid this, we’re going to take another deep dive into the guts of the operating system.

A digression. Sometimes Windows seems to have everything you need, so much so that you never need to consider alternatives. Как в Одессе. And although we readily provide Windows with as much disk space as it requires, we often don't even know how much we get with the OS installation.

It turns out that Windows is shipped with the inconspicuous utility msinfo32. Yes, “32" here alludes to the utility's ancient origins.

To launch the utility, click Start — Run; enter msinfo32 in the dialogue box, and press ОК.



This is the start screen, and here, for example, we can see which applications are launched automatically at system start-up.


This information may come in handy if you have contacted a support service over the phone.

To export the report, open the File menu and select Export.


In the subsequent dialogue, specify the file name and the folder to save the report to.


Important! The recommended practice here is to compress a resulting report into an archive, before you forward it to the support service.

You can also generate a report with the following command:

msinfo32 /report "<path_to_the_destination_folder>\config.txt"


A report file will be saved in the location you specify with the command.

If you are creating a support request on our website, you can take an easier approach and collect all the necessary information with our anti-virus.

Click on the anti-virus icon on the task bar, select Support and switch to the Report wizard. In the subsequent window select "Generate report".


It may take a while for the anti-virus to gather all the information. Once a report has been generated, you can open the folder containing the archive file.


No confidential information ever gets into system reports.

Important! Because a report contains diverse information, the file can be rather large.

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The Anti-virus Times recommends

Computer literacy will allow you to keep up with the progress! Use all the tools available to you in the applications you install, don't forget to update them and read corresponding instructions and guides. The Anti-virus Times will help you navigate through the vast world of digital technologies.


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